Motivational quotes


There are many reasons why people do what they do, and most of them are not motivated by money. 


 Find Joy in your work:

There are many motivational quotes about life:  

If   I   can't  feel  good  doing   something,   I'll   never   do   it.”

 I think that this quote is very helpful for anyone who is contemplating having a job or a hobby because it shows that every little thing counts. An example of it being helpful in regards to children:’(John Clements)

 I  love  knowing  that  my  family appreciates  my hobby,  even  though  we  aren't  always  together

there are times when I go out of town to see the amusement park there. This would encourage me to keep going to the amusement park more often. My mother told me not to worry about whether she’ll ever hear me play because she knows, it doesn't matter in the end. She used to tell me it's not a waste of time, you just waste time with her. This quote can also apply to adults, adults I know are getting older. 

Do the thing that make us happy:

(Anon.) This is one of many quotes that is great in helping us to remember that we should do the things that make us happy. Also, because parents always say things like

, "I love that you do" or things like that, it helps to remind them to do that to their children as well

Another idea is parents would like to hear their child say things like,

 "I l ove  the  sound  of   your  voice," " It  sounds  like  you  love  me  too," 

or that their children talk back. Parents and children might also want to listen to each other play and share stories. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that when your kids are able to express themselves, but you shouldn’t let their natural instinct to do things that make them happy lead you down that path.

  • Life  is  short  and  it  does not  mean  that  you  have to  be  miserable  and  sad all  the  time.

 You could just be content with having to do the things you need to do that really matter to you. You could also be very angry at yourself and be sure to be upset at least once a day. The important thing to remember is that ‘The best moments of our lives’ occur when we take the time to do the things and experiences that make us happy, and that makes us happy. Sometimes, you can get caught up in those moments, and others. But in order to have happy and successful relationships with both yourself and others, you have to be strong in making the decisions that you know.

 if someone wants to start a business, and you know how important that you will make that person happy, then it’s worth all the effort. Most of the hard work is over once a year when you decide to quit a bad situation. Many times if an employee has to leave because they can no longer perform at work or they are unhappy, then that employee can be put on unpaid leave, which is not allowed in any law. However, sometimes employees take time to look for jobs that pay more money than anything they could find through their personal research, so if an employee who is looking to move up in the company decides that he/she has to look for another opportunity, then he/she gets to stay on his/her first job but instead work extra hours. When an employer keeps their employees happy, the job is more likely to stick around. Even though there may seem small amounts of stress associated with a decision like choosing to leave, those extra hours add to the satisfaction of a job. A positive attitude has to come from first in order to get better.

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